Earth Apocalypse Timeline
How the Elites are setting humanity up to fail a Carrington Event in the next couple of decades.
This article—a work in progress—presents a timeline of events suggesting that some elites and government officials are fully aware that Earth’s protective magnetic field is collapsing and that we may experience a catastrophic pole shift during our lifetimes. Before that even takes place, we are likely to suffer a Carrington Event.
As Earth’s magnetic field continues to weaken, a civilisation-ending geomagnetic storm becomes increasingly likely. With Earth’s magnetic field functioning at 100%, the likelihood of such a storm occurring during any given year of a solar maximum is roughly 4%. Evidence suggests that Earth’s field may already be down by as much as 22%, which make us more vulnerable than ever.
As we head into the 2025 solar maximum, we are seeing an unprecedented occurrence of spectacular Aurora Borealis at low latitudes—eight times in 2023—triggered by relatively unremarkable solar activity. In March, 2023, the Sun generated a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that potentially could have ended modern civilisation. Luckily for us, the blast was aimed at Mercury.
This begs the question, if a grid-melting Carrington Event is becoming ever more likely, why are the United Nations and the World Economic Forum accelerating their plans to phase out fossil fuels and force Western Civilisation and the developing world to be utterly dependent on solar and wind generated electricity? If a solar storm could wipe out our entire globalised food production and distribution system in a single day, sending us back to the Stone Age, why are the United Nations determined to phase out traditional livestock and agricultural land use in an apparent effort to make us reliant on technologically advanced food production systems such as GMOs, hydroponics and insects?
Some of the methods they suggest for reducing carbon dioxide—plant food!—such as masking up cows and feeding insects to Welsh schoolchildren beggar belief.
1859 (September) — Astronomer Richard Carrington observes the CME that triggers what will become known as the Carrington Event; the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history.
1921 (May) — New York Railroad Storm, the most intense geomagnetic storm of the 20th Century.
1970 (September) — Russian probe returns soil sample from the moon.
1972 (April) — Apollo astronauts Duke and Young find glass beads on the moon, indicating that the Sun may undergo a periodic superflare or micronova event.
1989 (March) — Geomagnetic storm causes significant problems for the Canadian and US power grids.
1992 (June) — United Nations Earth Summit is held in Rio de Janeiro. This is the public debut of Agenda 21.
1998 (July) — Barnard’s Star flares unexpectedly.
2000 (September) — Data from satellites such as Orsted and Magsat reveal that Earth’s magnetic field has weakened by 10% since German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started monitoring it in 1845.
2012 (July) — Ultra fast Carrington level CME misses Earth by just 9 days.
2013 (November) — European Space Agency launches three Swarm satellites to better understand Earth’s weakening magnetic field.
2014 (July) — Earth’s magnetic field has weakened by at least 15% and is dropping by 5% per decade.
2014 (July) — ESA’s Swarm mission manager, Rune Floberghagen, lets the cat out of the bag by stating that Earth’s magnetic poles may be getting ready to flip.
2014 (October) — University of California, Berkeley, reports that Earth's magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime.
2016 (March) — Proxima Centauri superflare observed.
2019 (February) — Changes observed in the photosphere of Betelgeuse.
2019 (May) —Proxima Centauri megaflare observed.
2019 (June) — World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN) sign strategic partnership framework to accelerate UN Agenda 21. The new deadline for net carbon zero is 2030.
2019 (October) — WEF and Bill & Melina Gates Foundation host their pandemic simulation Event 201.
2019 (December) — Betelgeuse blows off part of its photosphere.
2020 (January) — UN World Health Organisation declares COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
2020 (May) — First manned SpaceX flight. Billionaire Elon Musk is not on board.
2020 (December) — Chinese probe successfully collects lunar samples and returns them to Earth.
2020 (Unspecified) — It is reported that Earth’s South Magnetic Pole has already left the Antarctic Circle and is currently off the coast of Antarctica. It is moving at an average speed of 5km per year.
2021 (July) — Billionaire Richard Branson flies into space on board Virgin Galactic rocket plane, Unity.
2021 (July) — First manned Blue Origin flight, billionaire Jeff Bezos on board.
2021 (September) The ozone hole over the South Pole is now bigger than Antarctica, yet authorities remain strangely silent about aerosol spray cans.
2022 (February) — SpaceX loses 40 out of 49 satellites after launching them directly into the path of a solar storm.
2022 (August) — Earth is spinning faster than usual and experiences its shortest day ever.
2022 (August) — Earth is spinning faster because of a new wobble, scientists say.
2023 (January) — Chinese scientists claim that Earth’s inner core has stopped rotating relative to the Earth’s crust, and may have changed direction.
2023 (March) — Huge CME spews off the far side of the Sun, hitting Mercury.
2023 (March) — Earth’s Magnetic North Pole continues accelerating towards Siberia.
2023 (March) — Russia and China exchange samples of lunar soil.
2023 (April) — China gifts France a sample of lunar soil.
2023 (May) — China launches two satellites to monitor Earth's weakening magnetic field.
2023 (August) — India successfully soft lands probe on the moon. Lunar sample collecting missions to commence in 2026.
2023 (November) — NOAA revise predictions of Solar maximum from 2025 to 2024, claiming it will arrive early, peak higher and last longer. Aurora Borealis expected well into 2027. Sunspot activity charted here.
2024 (May) A series of M and X class solar flares send cannibal CMEs towards Earth. Aurora Borealis and Australis are seen across much of the world.
Link to my separate Hamish Harding article here.
This timeline is a work in progress. Check back for updates.
Updated 29/02/2024
I reckon we’ll see a polar excursion in the next few decades. Possibly in our lifetimes. I believe the Earth’s crust will unlock and that the ice masses of Greenland and Antarctica will glide to the equator, unleashing earthquakes, tsunamis and a new Ice Age. Einstein believed that the Earth periodically turns over, he could never figure out what gives the crust the impetus to unlock. He spent his twilight years trying to do the math.
In my mind, there are at least four possible sources of the ‘jolt’ that would unlock Earth’s crust.
First is the hypothetical Galactic Current Sheet emanating from the galactic core, triggering a solar micronova event every 12,000 years. Ben Davidson over at Suspicious Observers describes this well.
Second is the exoplanet flyby scenario favoured by the Niburu and Planet X aficionados. I find this one kind of fun, but not as plausible as some other theories.
Third is the comet/asteroid/meteorite strike theory. We fly through a number of meteor clouds each year, with the Taurid Meteor Shower being a particularly frightening candidate for the killer blow. The Ancient civilisation of Gobekli Tepe may have tried to warn us about this particular meteor shower.
Fourth is the Expanding/Growing Earth hypothesis championed by Samuel Carey and Neal Adams. This is the one that fascinates me the most at the moment. Simply mind blowing.
I will be compiling some Substack resources on all of the above for beginners like me wanting to learn more.
Great summary Teresa, I read something a while ago. The elites know pole shift / Phoenix events coming. DUMBS at the ready to retreat to,, they use the chaos unleashed now to remove any semblance of independence, survival skills and infrastructure to corral and further weaken us first, then let events unfold to finish us off. Having genocided and staked claims on territory, they will emerge to claim their booty.