Could 70% of the United States population be dead by next year? Well, that’s what Deagel, a shadowy, self-proclaimed non-profit think tank with alleged ties to banks and military intelligence agencies worldwide has claimed. By all accounts, Deagel is a respected website. A Janes Encyclopaedia for military hardware geeks. Legend has it that Deagel has been quoted in actual US Intelligence reports. A decade ago, Deagel published their deeply unsettling report, List of Countries Forecast for 2025. The report boldly predicted that the West’s population and GDP would fall off a cliff by 2025. When conspiracy theorists began speculating on the reasons for the mass depopulation, explanatory footnotes citing mass migration and aging populations were added.
With the passing of time, Deagel’s predictions grew more and more gloomy. Deagel’s last update for the UK in 2025 was that its population would collapse from 65 million to just 14 million and its GDP from $2.5 trillion to less than $200 billion. That’s a stunning 78% drop in population. Surely not.
When the Covid lockdowns and injectables came along in 2020, the Deagel Forecast once again became a hot topic for speculation. Fledgling truthers hopped on the bandwagon, tweeting, “Deagel knew about the Plandemic!” Anguine fact checkers slithered out from under rocks we hadn’t noticed before and sank their fangs into them. Nothing quelled the speculation. In April 2021, the Deagel page was finally taken down, but archives can still be found here and here.
In 2021, Craig Paardekooper of HowBadIsMyBatch fame produced a neat analysis of how the Deagel Forecast affected each country (above). Then he promptly packed his suitcases and fled the UK.
Everything I’ve learned about the vaccines in the last four years tells me that they don’t fit the Deagel Forecast. Sure, they aren’t good for life expectancy, but they’re a slow burner. The cardiovascular, cytotoxic and neurotoxic effects are designed to take a few years to show up. Plausible deniability is baked into the cake.
So what does the Deagel Forecast describe? Demographic collapse, as claimed? The aftermath of Disease X? Alien invasion? Nuclear Armageddon? End of Times?
Maybe all of the above. Maybe none.
I kicked myself when another intriguing possibility dawned on me. I mean it literally dawned on me. It had been staring me in the face every time I turned my gaze to the tartan skies above. How could I have missed it?
It’s entirely possible that the Deagel Forecast predicts the outcome of a Carrington Event during the 2024/2025 solar maximum. Which begs the question, do US Intelligence have access to better data than we do? The ESA have been mostly silent since 2014, when their Swarm mission director, Dr Rune Floberghagen, let the cat out of the bag with his announcement that Earth’s magnetic field was down 15%, dropping at 5% per year and that the poles may be ‘getting ready to flip’.
A human population of eight billion is only sustainable in a highly mechanised, oil-fuelled world. Destroy the Electric Grid and the whole thing falls apart. Within a few months of the next Carrington Event, most of the global human population will be dead from the famine, disease and civil war that will inevitably break out. Western countries, already strained to breaking point by swelling migrant populations and crippling green taxation, will suffer the most devastation. The UK, an island nation bulging with more than 80 million souls and heavily reliant on food imports, will be at the epicentre of the carnage. According to Paardekooper, the Deagel Forecast does indeed suggest that the UK is at the epicentre of the depopulation. But not just the UK. The other G7 countries are clustered around it. Third World countries may be able to slip back to a more traditional way of life after a Carrington Event. Some might even thrive, but the technologically advanced First World is doomed. In the first days after the Carrington, all fresh food will be gone. Frozen food will spoil. Supermarket shelves and kitchen cupboards will be depleted. Then the real tragedy will begin. Starving, the people will emerge from their stricken towns and cities and eat everything in their path. Like a swarm of locusts, they will devour livestock, wildlife, seed crops, pets and—before long—each other.
If humanity is lucky enough to escape the 2024/2025 solar maximum unscathed, a Carrington Event is likely to occur during the 2036 solar maximum. To this humble physics graduate, the odds feel greater than 50%. Sadly, if it happens in the 2030s, the carnage will be even greater. The Elites’ will have had us in their grip for another decade. No real seeds, no livestock, no farms, no transport, no libraries, no fertility, no freedom of movement. The slaughterhouse chute will be complete.
The United Nations and the World Economic Forum’s collaboration on Agenda 2030 fully intends to force the planet to carbon net zero by the end of the decade. By 2036, humanity will be so starved of fossil fuels and so utterly dependent on the Electric Grid that the death toll from the Carrington Event will surely approach 100%.
The vaccine—and all of its horrors—is only the insurance policy.
I was going to dig a bunker on high ground and line it with wooden supports and line it with plastic.
But I guess there will be volcanos going off and tidal waves so now I'm thinking of dragging a boat up a mountain to escape the worst of them like in that film 2012 with John Cusack. Naturally stock it with beans and chocolate. But I'm not sure all that sugar is good for me. I suppose I could augment my diet with fish if they survive maybe not the electric eels.
I mean ultimately it will be better at sea after the event than on land. Apart from the pirates I suppose.
Thanks for this analysis, Teresa. I figured that the Planners could only achieve the Deagel numbers by applying 5G frequencies to highly vaccinated communities, but the possibility you explore in your analysis would work, also.