You are the carbon they want to eliminate!
How the WEF and the UN are engineering a global famine
Fun fact. Here’s something the United Nations hasn’t mentioned in any of its press releases. Sudden, severe climate change is happening throughout the solar system as we speak.
That’s right. Climate change is not just happening on Earth. It’s happening everywhere.
Let’s start with the innermost planet, Mercury. I’m afraid Mercury is the only planet we don’t yet have data for. Our probe is on its way.
Venus next. Venus’s fastest winds have increased by 33%. This is a huge change, and it was reported widely in the scientific press.
I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about climate change on Earth, so let’s skip to Mars.
Mars’s climate change dwarfs that on Earth and its seismicity has been off the charts. Mars’s rotation is speeding up. Its day is getting shorter. We are also learning that Mars’s mantle is alive. We’re pretty sure we didn’t miss that before. It’s a new feature.
Jupiter has seen some colossal changes recently. Its Great Red Spot—a storm system—is fading away and a brand new storm has been born, named Red Junior. Jupiter’s cloud bands mysteriously disappeared and then reappeared and NASA has discovered some interesting new ‘features’. Most telling of all, Jupiter’s radio frequency is changing. Jupiter has a complex magnetic field that in theory can flip. Radio frequency emissions are caused by electrons accelerating in Jupiter’s magnetic field and—since the nature of an electron didn’t change—Jupiter’s magnetic field must have changed.
Saturn. Let’s look at Saturn. We have been able to admire Saturn through telescopes for centuries. There’s a superstorm that hits the northern hemisphere every 30 years. To the surprise of astronomers all around the world, Saturn’s superstorm just came 10 years early. This is likely due to magnetic changes on the planet allowing more solar radiation to affect the weather and trigger the storm early.
Uranus has seen record storms and record aurora.
Neptune had a very unusual storm reversal, basically a hurricane going the wrong way. It also has some new spots appearing. It’s possibly indicative of a magnetic reversal. This is starting to look like a pattern, isn’t it?
And finally Pluto. Pluto is no longer classed as a planet, but there’s no reason to leave him out. Pluto just lost an astonishing 20% of its atmosphere in only two years, indicative of a sudden cooling and—despite conventional wisdom that Pluto has little or no magnetic field—Pluto is emitting X-rays, indicating some form of changing magnetic field. Pluto’s atmosphere is collapsing.
This cannot be coincidence.
Climate change. Magnetic field changes. Planets spinning faster.
With all of these profound changes going on in the solar system, I can’t help but join some dots here. Is it possible that the United Nations has long known that climate change was coming to every planet in the solar system—including Earth—and that, starting with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1991, the UN has found a way to manipulate us, tax us, divest us of our private property and take away all of our basic human freedoms based on a fallacy? The false belief that humans are in some way responsible for climate change on Earth? I don’t need to point out, there are no humans on Venus or Mars or Saturn or Pluto. And yet astronomers all over the world are documenting sudden, unexpected climate change occurring throughout the solar system. Are we being fed a lie here? Are we being suckered? If so, why?
This brings me right back down to Earth.
Let’s look at Earth, shall we?
In the year 2000, it was reported that, over the previous century, Earth’s magnetic field had dropped by 10% from historic norms. That’s quite a big drop. And it’s concerning. Earth’s magnetic field is thought to be generated by convection currents in Earth’s molten outer core and the rotation of Earth’s solid inner core. The resulting magnetic field is like a bar magnet running along the axis of the Earth. The field radiates out into space and protects us from the most harmful solar and cosmic radiation. In view of the seriousness of a 10% drop in our level of protection, it was decided to launch a new generation of satellites to monitor Earth’s declining magnetic field. Enter a trio of European Space Agency satellites, codenamed Swarm, launched in November, 2013.
A few months later, in July, 2014, the Swarm Mission Director, Rune Floberghagen, reported that Earth’s magnetic field had weakened by 15% and was dropping by 5% per decade. Dr Floberghagen then let the cat out of the bag by stating that Earth’s magnetic poles may be getting ready to flip. I’m not joking, he actually said that.
I’m no maths expert, but it strikes me that if it took 100 years to drop 10% and only 10 years to drop another 5%, doesn’t that mean that the drop is accelerating?
And if it was down 15% a decade ago, doesn’t that mean that Earth’s magnetic field has got to be down by at least 20%?
Since that initial report from the European Space Agency, there has been no official update on the overall strength of Earth’s magnetic field. We hear occasional mentions that it’s strengthening in some places and weakening in others. For example, a big dent centred over the triple border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, called the South Atlantic Anomaly. Other than that, the European Space Agency has fallen silent.
Evidently, this silence has really bothered the Chinese who, in May 2023, launched their own satellites to monitor Earth's weakening magnetic field. I somehow doubt any of their data will reach the light of day. But if they’re worried, perhaps we should be worried.
So what other evidence do we have of changes in Earth’s magnetic field? Well, we have quite a lot, as it happens.
Starting a couple of decades ago, Earth’s Magnetic North Pole suddenly veered off its normal meander around the geographic North Pole and began accelerating towards Siberia, in the general direction of the Indian Ocean. Simultaneously, Earth’s Magnetic South Pole began moving towards the Indian Ocean. It’s very difficult to find reports of its current location, but we do know that it’s already left Antarctica. Yep, you heard that right. Earth’s Magnetic South Pole is no longer in Antarctica.
Are there other indications that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening? Actually, yes. We need only look up at the night sky. Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, are caused by bursts of high energy particles from solar storms crashing through the Earth’s magnetic field and hitting the lower levels of our atmosphere, where they cause that characteristic red or green glow in the sky. Have we seen anything unusual? Well, yes, we have. During 2023, we saw no less than eight occurrences of Northern Lights much further south than we normally should. Strong displays were seen in Wales and Southern England. They were also seen in Texas and Florida. Will we see any more? Absolutely. The Sun is approaching its 2025 sunspot maximum, part of its 11 year magnetic reversal cycle. Solar storms grow more intense and more frequent at this time. So watch the skies, ladies and gentlemen.
Is that all the evidence? No. There’s more. The Earth’s rotation is speeding up and we’ve just recorded our shortest day. Scientists have detected a new wobble in Earth’s spin. And Earth’s solid inner core has stopped turning, baffling scientists everywhere. This was reported in the scientific literature last year. And on CNN. Could the rotation of the core partially explain the collapse in our magnetic field? It seems rational that the two events may be linked. The first three paragraphs of this Wikipedia Simple English article seem to scream, “Look over here!”
Should we be concerned that Earth’s magnetic field is collapsing? Absolutely. It portents disaster.
Back in 1859, when Earth’s magnetic field was functioning at 100%, a solar flare spewed a huge stream of plasma directly at the Earth. Astronomers call this a Coronal Mass Ejection or CME. When it reached the Earth, it smashed into our magnetic field and caused spectacular Aurora Borealis and Australis all around the world. It caused a powerful surge of electricity to be induced in all wires. We didn’t have an electric grid 165 years ago, but we did have a fledgling telegraph system. The surge destroyed it. Sparks flew and cables short circuited. Some unlucky telegraph operators received electric shocks. The incident became known as the Carrington Event, after Richard Carrington, the astronomer who—purely by chance—happened to see the flare. If a Carrington Event were to happen today, it would be catastrophic. It would knock out the electric grid all over the world, leading to a collapse of civilisation and famine for billions. Our technologically advanced society would be irrecoverable.
Which leads me to my final point. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there’s something deeply sinister about the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. I’ll come right out and say it.
The United Nations are setting humanity up to fail in every possible way. They are actively seeking ways to ensure maximum casualties. When the next Carrington Event hits Earth, if those sustainable development goals have been reached, it’s game over.
Let me explain.
The powers behind the UN are forcing us to be completely dependent on the electric grid for everything. Energy, heating, cooking, transport. Once they have removed fossil fuels from our grasp, with bans on domestic and industrial coal, domestic heating oil, natural gas and even peat turf and firewood, we will be at the mercy of the grid and they alone will have dominion over fossil fuels. A clean energy world is a grid dependent world.
A Carrington Event is inevitable. It’s just a question of when. When it happens, we will be in a world of pain. The electromagnetic pulse could cause many electric vehicle batteries to behave like incendiary devices, injuring or killing the occupants. Fires will rage all across our towns and cities. Our expensive air source heat pumps will no longer function. The solar panels on our rooftops will be fried. The thousands of acres of solar panels and wind turbines that have replaced arable farmland and grazing will be similarly destroyed. Within hours, there will be no electricity, no running water, no sewage treatment, no industry, no transport, no food, no medicines, no supermarkets, no communications and no help coming.
If it was just about the grid then maybe, just maybe, we could give them the benefit of the doubt. But it’s not just about the grid. Several of the UN’s sustainable development goals have a dark, Machiavellian purpose. Where would we be left in the wake of a Carrington Event? It doesn’t look great.
Let’s start with food. The United Nations—together with their partners in crime, the World Economic Forum—have decided that the food we eat and the way we produce it is unsustainable.
They want us to eat far less meat and to incorporate alternative sources of protein into our diet. We are to be tempted with such delights as algae, fungi, yeasts, lab grown meats and insects. The WEF have already told us that, by 2030, meat will be an occasional treat in our diet. But here’s the rub. These alternative methods of producing food rely heavily on mechanisation. As we switch over to them, our flocks and herds will dwindle to nothing. Livestock will disappear from our countryside, never to return.
The UN are also steering us towards high-rise hydroponic farms and alternative highly intensive methods for producing plant-based foods. They’re encouraging the use of single-use GMO or hybrid seeds which require farmers to go back to seed companies like Monsanto and Syngenta, year after year, rather than saving some of their crop to plant next year. Indeed, farmers who use their own seed are financially penalised for doing so. To add insult to injury, the UN intends to rewild 30% of land by 2030. Much of that will be agricultural land. Another chunk of productive land must be handed over to solar panels and new sustainable ‘industries’. Across the length and breadth of the UK, blue chip corporations are buying up farmland using endless supplies of money borrowed at virtually no cost, in order to plant trees on it to offset their carbon emissions. In reality, it’s a covert, government-sanctioned land grab. Outgunned and outbid, our farmers cannot compete. They are forced to produce more with less. The only way they can do that is to abandon traditional farming methods.
Where does this leave us after a Carrington Event? The answer is an immediate and brutal famine. We will be completely incapable of returning to even pre-industrial ways of living off the land. And that is completely by design.
The SMART cities or 15 minute cities will become death traps. As more of us are forced to give up our cars, we will have no choice but to live and work in these cities.
Picture the scene. After the Carrington Event, survivors will stumble out of the disease-ridden cities into the rewilded countryside, clutching rags over their mouths and noses in a futile attempt to block out the stench of rotting hydroponic vegetables, lab-grown meat and insects coming from the stricken high-rise factory farms—only to find all the mature trees cut down and burnt for biomass, the livestock culled and all of the arable farmland planted with saplings or paved with burnt out solar panels and wind turbines. The few remaining crops will be from hybrid seeds or GMO, completely unviable. Starving, they will eat everything in their path. Livestock, seeds, anything they can find, which will only exacerbate their plight.
Famine will take out 80-90% of the population in the first few months. Should a budding engineer or two survive the Carrington, the odds are stacked against them. They won’t be able to get anything working again. Our governments, acting under the direction of the United Nations, will have long ago removed all fossil fuels from our grasp. As supplies are tapered in accordance with net carbon zero policies, they will have decommissioned power stations and oil rigs, shut down oil and gas pipelines and sealed coal mines. Even the ban on plastic makes sense now. Plastic is made from oil. In terms of resources, all of the low hanging fruit is gone. We won’t even be able to get back to steam power after the Carrington Event.
With libraries closing down and digital formats and online subscription services becoming the norm, survivors will cling to the few remaining books.
Our best hope of survival is to live off the land NOW, and to fight to remain on it.
Which is precisely why they’re going after the farmers in the name of ‘sustainability’ and ‘net carbon zero’ policies. They are no longer hiding it. They’re openly hacking through our food supply chain.
In the cold light of day, it doesn’t make any sense, but it doesn’t have to. It is an act of war against the people. Our governments are using shock and awe tactics to bulldoze these policies through.
“Sustainable development” is a sticky, deathly trap. The shadowy figures behind the UN and the World Economic Forum are expecting a Carrington Event, possibly as early as 2025, but almost certainly by 2036. Total grid dependence and zero access to fossil fuels, livestock and non-GMO seeds will maximise the death toll. Hardly a day goes by when you don’t hear of the billionaires and their doomsday bunkers. What do they know that we don’t?
And now the bit you’ve all been waiting for. What are the odds? Our scan of the literature reveals that the probability of a CME that could produce a Carrington Event during any given decade is estimated at between 1% and 12%. Not one of the eight papers we reviewed took into account the 20% drop in Earth’s protective magnetic field. All published forecasts relied on trawling through past records of events. Those of you who have investments will be familiar with the term, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.” Enough said.
Earth’s magnetic field is already down by at least 20% and we are almost at sunspot maximum. A 10% probability of catastrophe in the next couple of years is conservative.
By next sunspot maximum, in 2036, Earth’s magnetic field will have collapsed by at least 25%—30%. Remember, the first 10% drop took 100 years. The second 10% drop took only 20 years. In 2014, the University of California, Berkeley, reported that Earth's magnetic poles could flip within a single human lifetime. Our magnetic field would collapse to near zero, before re-establishing itself with the poles in different positions.
With a critically weakened magnetic field, less powerful CMEs could trigger a Carrington Event. To give you an idea, a CME half the strength of the Carrington Event occurs roughly every 50 years.
To recap, climate change appears to be occurring on all of the planets in the solar system. The elites could remove all eight billion humans from Earth and climate change would still happen. And they know it. Earth’s magnetic field is collapsing and Earth’s inner core appears to have stopped rotating. Our magnetic North and South Poles have veered off towards a common destination in the Indian Ocean. Our planet’s bar magnet appears to be in the process of changing into a horseshoe magnet. Our North Pole is no longer in Canada; it’s on its way to Siberia. Our magnetic South Pole has already left Antarctica. In 2023, strong, red Aurora Borealis was seen as far South as Texas, Florida and Wales no less than eight times. The Earth is in trouble. We are in trouble.
In this grim essay, I have provided a darker, more plausible explanation for the UN and WEF’s crazy machinations. Culling livestock, vilifying pets, eating bugs, lab grown meat, hydroponic high rise farms, offsetting carbon by planting trees on farmland, getting rid of coal, oil, gas, logs and turf in favour of solar panels and heat pumps. It all makes sense now. Frogmarching us into a future with no cars, no freedom and no private ownership of land. Coercing us to rely on imported food whilst carpeting our countryside in wind and solar farms, all of which will fry during the Carrington event.
They know exactly what they are doing.
They are setting us up to fail.
While all this might be true, the perpetrators of the ongoing “covid super crime” need nothing more than to play out their existing hand to reduce the population to any value they choose.
Here’s my near term summary of what I think they’re up to:
1. A new event will trigger obligatory digital ID (eg for rations).
2. If 1. isn’t financial crisis, one of these which they can trigger at any time, will destroy all sovereign currencies and steal almost all private property (David Rogers Webb). Total dependence upon the state in order even to be fed. CBDC introduced.
3. Lies about a wave of pandemics. Pharma will pretend to make mRNA vaccines. Govts will mandate them (if WHO hadn’t already done so). Digital ID validity will depend upon being up to date on jabs. No jab, no food. CBDC simply won’t work.
4. Rinse and repeat until population reaches their desired levels. I think it’s likely many countries will be completely emptied, removing the need for the authorities to have to pretend that recovery is even the dream, let alone intent.
The perpetrators have such control of main media and almost all internet traffic. If we reach point 1. without insurrection, we’re done in any case. The perpetrators do not require cooperation from anybody from this point onwards.
Wow Teresa, a tour de force. I read elsewhere about implications of pole shift and the fact the evil ones are bunkered up. Antarctica is allegedly a Swiss cheese of underground tunnels and a landmass with sea. Possibly the garden of Eden. Not home to Greys etc but humanoids. Who knows? However the hypothesis that "they" know what is coming and are weakening us is no surprise. They fear the indomitable human spirit and God in us all. My intuition is that this is a Galactic "flood" and there is a metaphorical ark. We will survive as a species and start again. We will not be the Eli to their Morlochs. The undergrounders still existing will be in a version of hell. Either way, not my pay grade and reckon I will be long gone when actual SHTF. BRAVO for pulling this together and articulating it so well. Expect a call from Netflix to write the next Don't Look Up.